An Overview of the Tobacco Education Network

The mission of the Tobacco Education Network is to create a healthier Humboldt County by preventing and reducing nicotine addiction.


In November 1988, California voters approved the Tobacco Tax and Health Promotion Act of 1988 (Proposition 99).  Twenty percent of the taxes support health education efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use.  A tobacco control coalition was initially established in March of 1990 by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors as required by Proposition 99.  Similar tobacco control coalitions have been established in all counties in California.

What does the TEN do?

The mission of the Tobacco Education Network is to create a healthier Humboldt County by preventing and reducing nicotine addiction.  The TEN is an informal group of Humboldt County residents and organizations which serves to prevent and reduce tobacco abuse in Humboldt County by creating a strong and diverse network of people who will educate the community; educate policy-makers; address and support advocacy activities, and strengthen enforcement of existing tobacco-use laws.

Who can join?

People in Humboldt County with an interest in preventing and reducing tobacco use can join the TEN. This includes private citizens, medical professionals, educators, businesspeople, workers, policy-makers, students, the media and others.

When does the TEN meet?

The TEN meets monthly; ten times per year. Call the Tobacco Free Humboldt program at (707) 268-2132 to find out the time and location.

TEN Objectives:

  1. Create a forum for community sharing and coordination of efforts, ideas, and needs around the issue of tobacco use prevention and education.
  2. Reduce the availability of tobacco to minors.
  3. Guarantee everyone's right to a smoke-free environment.
  4. Encourage and support smoke-free businesses and public agencies.  Increase public support for smoke-free environments.
  5. Encourage and assist employers with their efforts to provide smoke-free worksites.
  6. Support health-care professionals in assisting tobacco users who want to quit.
  7. Increase the availability of resources to help people stop smoking and/or chewing tobacco.
  8. Increase public awareness of the health risks of using tobacco products.
  9. Educate, support, and encourage parents to keep their children's breathing space smoke-free.
  10. Support the creation of anti-tobacco education and advocacy programs in the schools and in the community.